Cantillation Café

Torah Ta'am Tunes -
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Quick links to Torah ta'am (trop) tunes:
Torah Ta'am (Trop) Model Tunes

Use the recordings below to learn how to chant the Torah ta'am (trop) model tune for phrases according to the tradition established in "Chanting the Hebrew Bible" by Joshua Jacobson.

ShalSHElet is a double-symbol ta'am with the triple-zig-zag over the first letter of the accented syllable and a vertical line following the word. It is found only 7 times in the entire Hebrew Bible; 4 times in the Torah and not once in any Haftarah.

And now...let's learn these ta'am (trop) model tunes!
Test your knowledge of these ta'am (trop) model tunes
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