Whimsy Greenway Sojourn 2013 Journal DIY Outdoor Hanukkiah
(animated !)
DIY Outdoor Hanukkiah
2009 Mother's Day at Fenway Wildflowers Underground Railroad Bike Tour
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Whimsy  ≼≽  DIY Outdoor Animated Hanukkiah
DIY Outdoor Animated Hanukkiah
A fun and functional way to celebrate the Festival of Lights


Our outdoor animated hanukkiah!


It's fancier than our prototype hanukkiah and a whole lot more fun because the LED "candles" look like they're flickering! In all, it cost us less than $150 and we were able to use the base from our prototype.

Each light has a switch, so we can "light" a new candle each night of Hanukkah. Before the first night of Hanukkah, we push the switch on the "shamash" and "first" lights. At dusk the "candles" come on automatically. Every successive day, we push the switch on the next "candle", so it will go on with the others at dusk.

Each light can be recharged by its built-in solar cell or by a USB cable. At our house we plug in the USB cable for each light into a portable battery pack because our hanukkiah is installed on the north side of our house - not enough sunlight during the day to fully recharge the lights in December.

And when Hanukkah is over, we un-clip the lights and box them up until next year.


  1. 2x4 cut down to 5 feet in length
  2. Nine spring clips from Home Depot
  3. Two packs of four and one pack of two solar-powered lights from Amazon. (It's good to have an spare, just in case.)
    (Note: There are several vendors that sell these.)

Construction Instructions:

  1. Space the spring clips 6 inches from each other on the 2x4.
  2. Mark the screw holes for the spring clips with a pencil on the 2x4 and drill the holes for the screws.
  3. Screw the spring clips to the 2x4.
  4. Mount the 2x4 with the spring clips to a wall, railing or any desired location. We attached our 2x4 to our deck railing with screws, but it could be attached with zip-ties.
  5. Assemble the solar powered lights according to the instructions in the box. We charged them up with the included USB cables before we used them the first time.
  6. Clip each light to a spring clip.

Enjoy! Hag Urim Sameach!

1st night of Hanukkah!

2nd night of Hanukkah!

3rd night of Hanukkah!

4th night of Hanukkah!

5th night of Hanukkah!

6th night of Hanukkah!

7th night of Hanukkah!

8th night of Hanukkah!